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I have a Scapholunate Ligament tear, I won't know the extent till I get an MRI. Also it's highly possible I have a Scaphoid Fracture. X-Rays are misleading the Doctors that look at them and they all have their own opinion. Fractures can heal naturally but sadly depending on how bad the Ligament tear is, I will be out of commission of all physical activity on my left arm for 4-6 months. The surgery will take less than an hour but I have to remain in a cast for 2 months with pi Bohemian Empire Lace Cap Sleeve Wedding Dress ... ns in my hand. Then another 2-4 months of physical therapy to regain the strength. If that does not work, which is a (20%) low chance, I'll have to have Fusion done on my bones.

Again, never let anything set you back. Whatever the future holds I'll keep pushing, I'll keep training, I'll keep crying and bleeding and sweating for what I know I will get in the long run. The pain is the only thing that bothers me, emotionally, this won't break my wall's down. I have cried from pain, pushed my body, mind, soul so much to give up now? No it's Ok... ;) I'll be back, stronger and better.

Till I get another update, I'll keep putting with one hand. I'll keep typing with one hand and I'll learn to manage with one hand. There are people who manage with injuries that are worse, they are inspiring. So to everyone, stay strong and keep calm!

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